Thursday, June 9, 2011

nissan march 2012

images Nissan Micra 1.2 Initia nissan march 2012. 2010 Geneva Motor Show, Nissan
  • 2010 Geneva Motor Show, Nissan

  • angelfire76
    04-10 05:36 PM
    Accountability. Ok great, accountability is a pretty good concept. However I think the OP is targeting the wrong people here.
    Do we even dare to hold the CIS/DOS accountable for their wishful manipulation of PDs? These guys can't even give us information that's there in their own systems.
    Did we raise our voice when H1Bs (an arch which all of us have passed through) were being demonized by the media and politicians?
    So we are not holding the people who have been the biggest beneficiaries of our money accountable, why hold a volunteer group, who are nothing more than regular people like us with families and personal issues accountable for trying to fix something that's broken.
    Shoot in the city I live in, it's like the Richard Pryor paraphrase "I see brown people"
    Yet when we want to discuss agenda and action items, how many show up: 6, yes, 6.
    Maybe next time we'll put up a board for free pizza and beer.
    And here you are giving IV lunch money and asking for bill passage. :rolleyes:

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  • nissan march 2011 white,

  • navinms
    05-27 02:10 AM
    Receipt ID: 3029-0309-9922-2860

    nissan march 2012. 2012 Nissan Micra DIG-S
  • 2012 Nissan Micra DIG-S

  • Macaca
    09-14 10:06 AM
    If constructive thoughts are planted
    positive outcomes
    will be the result.
    Plant the seeds of failure and
    failure will follow
    Sidney Madwed

    2011 nissan march 2011 white, nissan march 2012. 2011 Nissan Leaf NISMO RC
  • 2011 Nissan Leaf NISMO RC

  • columban
    06-09 01:04 AM

    I have been a passive follower on IV for few weeks now. I read the news clippings that people had posted where there was some Gautam Aggarwal who felt the point system was good. I see a press release from him that I saw floating around some mailing list.

    Quite honestly even though lots of us disagree with him, he does make a very valid point. IV should consider clubbing US educated people such that 2 separate quotas can be created. Instead of banishing him as an elitist look at his point he is making by just marketing how the country is using the educated. Using a well respected university name is no different than talking about how we legals pay taxes etc. Just because we are educated and better of that the illegals as an argument is no less than elitism in that sense. I happened to go through gautamagg's post after the Guitrezz rally - read his message again sans tone. He makes a point. This CIR bill could have been good for us if we approached it positively looking at US educated people as a group too. Also his statement on the AP report about MPS being good is not totally incorrect in an environment where both EB and MPS may exist - if we can get that i.e. EB and MPS keeps both sides happy and we should fight for that. I emailed gautamagg and he did mention that the AP report cut out that part of his statement and told me to verify that with the reporter if I wished to. I think we guys need to be less passionate before we throw stones at others. IV is definitely doing a great job but people should share opinions openly on strategy - we are all humans and we may have missed an important aspect at IV - most IV folks seem to be non-US educated consultants and therefore disagree with Gautam. We really are 2 diff groups who want the same result with better partnership. My 2 cents. His press release:

    For Immediate Press Release: May 28, 2007

    “Grand Bargain” Immigration Bill creates issues for International Students in Economics, Finance and Business

    Mountain View, CA – May 28, 2007 – The US Senate is actively debating the proposed “Bi-partisan Grand Bargain” Immigration Reform bill. While the bill does have many provisions to attract educated people from outside the US, it also creates restrictions for people with an economics/ finance background.

    One of the proposals is to introduce an additional visa category for people coming to the US for graduate study. Though the proposed F-4 visa category is welcome by the international students’ community, it is unfavorable for people with a non-technical background or for people with a technical background who would like to gain additional skills outside of technology to be successful entrepreneurs. The proposed category, called the F-4 students visa, allows international students two major provisions that the existing student visa, the F-1, is restrictive in:

    1. F-4 students do not have to prove a non-immigration intent. Unlike F-1 visa applicants, students coming on an F-4 visa will have the ability to have a “dual intent” at the time of applying for their visa, while entering the Unites States, or while maintaining their F-4 status in the US. Such students can have a pending Green Card (GC) application or can apply for one while on F-4 status. This is in contrast to the existing F-1 category in which a previous or current intent to immigrate to the United States negatively impacts a persons ability to obtain an F-1 visa.

    2. Under the F-4 visa, instead of 12-months the students will have up to 24-months of Optional Practical Training (OPT) available after graduation. The larger time window will help students evaluate employment options while staying agnostic of visa issues.

    The bill restricts the F-4 visa to people who would attend advanced degrees in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Such limitation to STEM alone would negatively impact the inflow of international students to other graduate programs such as Finance, Economics, and Business. In today’s dynamic global economies, technology and business work together. Over a third of the MBA class in top US schools such as Wharton, Stanford, Harvard, and Cornell comes from a technology background. Restricting these provisions to STEM degrees alone will result in a severe shortage of highly skilled international students coming to the US for an MBA due to an advantage the STEM degree holders will have over them. This will impede the abilities of many “technologists” to obtain business and finance education and will reverse the positive trend in places such as the Silicon Valley where many engineers turn into successful entrepreneurs creating wealth and job opportunities for many Americans and add to America’s competitive edge.

    While the Senate has shown foresight by introducing the F-4 visa that helps in retaining people with advanced education from the US, it remains a very myopic solution to the problem it intends to address. Next week, the Senate comes back from recess to discuss amendments to this bill, this press release appeals to the Senate to consider enhancing the provisions of the F-4 as well.

    Note: Hundreds of people are affected by this already. With a Masters in Computer Science from Cornell University, 7-years of technology experience in the Silicon Valley, and after paying over $ 150,000 in taxes, Gautam, issuer of this Press release, may be unable to join his MBA class at The Wharton School this year. Because he had once started his Green Card process and established an “intent to immigrate”, it is difficult for him to reverse the process and obtain a students visa. Over 3-4 years of processing wait times has resulted in many people such as him to give-up their applications in lieu of additional education. But, their past intent looms over their very uncertain future: 22 of them have connected with each other and pray that their Indian Gods stay happy with them on the day of their student-visa interviews in India and that reason and common sense prevail.


    Gautam Aggarwal


    nissan march 2012. 2011 Nissan March XS
  • 2011 Nissan March XS

  • 99mutd08
    05-21 06:44 PM
    Contributing 100 more..Thanks..Lets' go guys..

    nissan march 2012. 2011 Nissan March
  • 2011 Nissan March

  • MightyIndian
    02-29 04:22 PM
    Sent letters to WH and to my state congressman who happens to be co-chair of India caucus in Congress. Also sent a copy to IV.


    nissan march 2012. Recent nissan march indonesia
  • Recent nissan march indonesia

  • elliptic
    05-11 11:12 PM
    A. You will need to wait until you file your 2008 income tax return to claim the economic stimulus payment. [New 4/14/08]

    You file your 2008 return in 2009.

    This I understand. But one needs the SSN already in 2008 as mentioned in
    the sentence which you quoted. This makes sense: The 2008 tax can only
    depend on your status in 2008. One has to qualify for the benefit in 2008.

    2010 2012 Nissan Micra DIG-S nissan march 2012. Nissan Micra 1.2 Initia
  • Nissan Micra 1.2 Initia

  • TheOmbudsman
    11-08 02:37 PM
    I hope you are right.

    Thanks to people with your mentality, nobody reacted - if such awareness was ever able to trigger action - against the 245(i) amnesty and that is one of the reasons why you are stuck. Keep up with your rose mentality if that makes you feel good.


    The Ombudsman

    :D Where have we heard this before.

    To any member who has been looking at some of the posts since April/May of this year it will be apparant that there has been an attempt by the ultra conservative, anti-immigration groups to create a divide among legal and so called illegal immigration issues. It was good to see that most members perceived this and stayed away from singing the legal vs illegal immigration tune.

    Now comes the lame attempt to play on your fears again. What would happen to you if all these so called "illegals" were to get in line ahead of you? The knee-jerk reaction is so obvious. If you see deeper, you will find that all this is BS and just wenting of frustration by the anti-immigration groups. There is a precedent for this behaviour. After the CIR was passed in Senate in May earlier this year, these same anti-immigration group members posted so many inflamatory posts that created a bad vibe on this forum. Well today is a redo of that. Just count the number of posts and you will know what I mean. ;) I urge all members to look at the new ray of hope provided by the change in the new congress and ignore attempts to dampen your enthusiasm in garb of fair and balanced aka an anti-immigration spin :)


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  • nissan march police car

  • JazzByTheBay
    09-21 09:52 AM
    I am not indian, I am chinese, and I attended the rally in DC. I am so touched by you brave indian people. while I feel such a shame that we only had much less chinese there. part of the reason is that IV is originally indian club. we got the message but kind of lack the close organization.

    Thanks for coming Elle - highly appreciated!

    IV is not intended to be an Indian club. You can help change that by encouraging more Chinese and other affected non-Indians to participate actively.

    Nevertheless, Indians do seem to be in the majority from those who are severely affected by legal immigration issues and are active. IV's membership demographics reflects that.

    If you have any thoughts on how to encourage more folks from your community or other non-Indians to participate please feel free to share here or PM me.

    4. we really need to study the illegal immigrant rally last time, how successful they were !!!!

    Any thoughts on that? Have you talked to any folks involved with such rallies?

    hair 2011 Nissan Leaf NISMO RC nissan march 2012. The 2012 Nissan Versa: Awesome
  • The 2012 Nissan Versa: Awesome

  • guy03062
    03-17 02:23 PM
    Click here ( to view .pdf file.

    The Senator introduced his bill yesterday to the Senate bypassing the Senate Judiciary Committee. Surprisingly, this bill include more positive reform for the "legal" immigration, particularly "employment-based" immigration, indeed somewhat better than the Specter's Mark!



    nissan march 2012. Nissan March 2010
  • Nissan March 2010

  • IneedAllGreen
    04-09 05:09 PM
    Check your PM and send me more information about urself and your work background/education on my PM. See If I cane help you more.


    hot 2011 Nissan March XS nissan march 2012. scheduled for March 2012.
  • scheduled for March 2012.

  • gk_2000
    03-27 10:17 AM
    MC - ur date is pretty close and I can understand ur frustration being so close yet so far. Porting is like labor substitution - LEGAL. Nothing we can do.

    He has a choice of how to behave at any time. Being near the goal could also allow one to be more charitable, as you know you will be in the green in near future


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  • Nissan March, launched in

  • john22
    06-13 09:26 PM
    Filed I-485 in Sep 2004 and pending since then, what are my options?

    Now since it is current what should I do? Any suggestions, I am going to call USCIS and my attorney.

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  • on the 2012 Nissan Tiida

  • franklin
    09-19 11:31 PM
    Were you at the rally? Two most visible people were Franklin and Mark. Both are non-Indians.

    But your point is well taken, let us know if you have any specific strategies to do this?f

    Yeah - whats with this "EnglishMEN" thing... pffftttt....



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  • nissan march motershow

  • msyedy
    02-11 06:01 PM
    Pappu's post

    Other companies/coalitions have stopped pushing for temporary H-1B increase as they do not want to be in the bad books of committee chairmen and the leadership offices by trying to sneak temporary relief that divides the supporters of CIR. Leadership wants support for CIR and want all sides to wait for CIR. And not doing so and trying to get interim relief before CIR would put them in bad books of Senate and House leadership, which no one wants coz if CIR fails, then after CIR, these offices will not co-operate with any group that tried to take away support from CIR. So it would be counter-productive politically to do things that take away good stuff from CIR. Also, if you think that any effort in the final week could help in anyway, then let me to share with you that most provisions and their language are decided much in advance and last minute efforts almost never yield any result on the Hill."

    I don't want to oppose IV, but think it this way.. If Microsoft and many big companies asking an increase in H1-B for so many years did not get anything done since 2005, then what are our chances of our voice even reaching them.
    Everyone were so desparatly waiting for the I-485 relief before 15th feb.
    Now that we know that the provisions and their language are decided much in advance, can we know if senate is really going to introduce CIR next month and are inclined towards passing it.

    After reading the complete post, I have come to conclusion that we cannot
    hope confidently that anything can pass this year or in the comming years.

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  • Nissan Micra/March sedan?

  • amitjoey
    05-24 04:15 PM
    Thankyou Nandakumar


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  • O March é a quarta geração de

  • pune_guy
    04-25 08:57 PM

    I would like to thank IV for all its efforts and thank the members who have contributed so far for this task.

    I have contributed $100 towards this goal, the receipt number is 7ER83820M7308620B.

    Go IV.

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  • 2012 BMW 1-Series

  • meridiani.planum
    03-13 08:43 PM
    Sorry , but I dont think that it is possible to do that ...
    EB3 vs EB2 classifications depend on Job Description ie the description and education, experience requirement given at the labor certification stage.
    You can get labor certification which would satisfy EB2 class requirements and apply under EB3 for I140 .... but not the other way around. ...

    That means starting from scratch with PERM with a new Labor... loosing PD and back to square one ... obviously not worth it

    PD is not lost if you crossed I-140 stage (got an approval) on the older application.

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  • Amazing Nissan March Lively

  • paskal
    11-17 01:46 PM
    please pm dandruff

    he is working on creating a local chapter in NE/KS

    10-25 11:44 PM

    Thought this may be some helpful information. I contacted an attorney and she showed me a recent circular (dtd. Spet 26) from AILA about premature I-485 approvals and how that can be corrected through an AILA liasion. So, Alias, looks like your attorney followed the same procedure.

    06-14 06:34 PM
    I am currently on H1 and plan to get married in India next month and file 485 for me and wife next month. She will be able to travel with me on H4. If she starts using EAD after getting it, does that invalidate my H1? I plan to continue with the same employer on H1.

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