Thursday, June 9, 2011

heidi klum and seal and family

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  • coopheal
    11-18 12:34 PM
    Your calculations are way too optimistic.
    If a regular IV member is spending 1000$ on credit card why cannot he/she not contribute 50/100 $ per month to IV. I don�t know about you or others but I use the credit card is gives best deal for the month for that month.

    As far as contributing money to IV, again it�s not about monitory constraints but about making our self give some money for our own cause.

    Well, If you sign up for IV credit card, the contributor is not paying from his pocket. It's the bank, who is paying for him, and contributor will keep earning miles/reward point as with any other credit card so it should make ZERO difference for card holder.

    Its like finding a advertising sponsor for any of the IV event,except this is one time effort.

    the earning could be huge. lets do simple math.

    Average CC monthly bill = $1000 , 2% of $1000= $20.

    20 * 20k = 40K monthly contribution.

    Now think how hard is it to raise 40K monthly using our regular fund raising ?

    Basic problem with fund raising is, once person gets his EAD/GC , he stops visiting IV website, I am sure he/she still supports the cause by heart but it just happens that he does not visit this site and does not notice our fund raising drive ( and as a result, we call them selfish :p) .

    But if he is carrying IV credit card , its very easy for him to pick up that CC and swipe every time he makes purchase and support the cause.

    Hope you get an idea :).


    wallpaper Heidi klum family portraits heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal took the
  • Heidi Klum and Seal took the

  • jchan
    02-25 12:37 PM
    I think desi3933 is right -- that one cannot file AOS without PD being current. However, this does not mean we should give up pursuing our goal. The secretary of DHS specially made it clear that she is willing to push for changes both regulatory AND legislative. But before putting in any effort, she will need to know what changes to push for. She even specifically mentioned the issue with pre-application of AOS, which seems to me a real good chance to get the message delivered.

    Just for starters, here are the benefits I can think of about pre-filing of AOS:

    - By having all applications on file, let USCIS better predict case load and allow DOS Visa Office to make informed decision on Cutoff Date movements
    - Create more revenue for USICS (DHS) via AP and EAD applications
    - Reduce the work load of Overseas Consulates when applicants with AP does not have to apply re-entry H1B visa.
    - Many H1B visa holders have to go through the administrative procedure when applying re-entry visa. This process is more or less a duplicate with the background check required for green card application. When the applicant is allowed to travel with AP, the effort of background check is consolidated and allow resources to be better utilized.
    - EAD allows applicants more freedom to change job, this will results in better resource distribution to accommodate the rapid changes of the economy, and it makes the market the most important factor to determine wages.

    Please add whatever you feel missing to the points and maybe we'll come up with a formal letter to communicate to the secretary.

    Last, to address the concern that USCIS may be flooded by AOS applications from freshly off-the-boat H1B's, restrictions need to be put on the qualification of AOS. What I could think of is:
    - Must have approved I-140 (immigration visa. I think this restriction makes the most sense)
    - Must have priority date older than a certain number of years
    - Must have been in the US legally for five years
    - etc.

    Read again
    (3) an immigrant visa is immediately available to him at the time his application is filed.

    Explanation - At the time when the application (i.e. I-485) is filed by applicant, an immigrant visa is immediately available (i.e. PD is current).

    If you still have doubt, talk to your attorney and post here what he/she told you.

    Have a good day!

    Not a legal advice
    US citizen of Indian origin

    heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal#39;s new
  • Heidi Klum and Seal#39;s new

  • rajsand
    09-20 11:44 AM
    Jaime, your thought of having one more rally in Silicon Valley is a good one but again you are going to have the same crowd..!!
    People in neighbouring states of DC did not make it , you tthink they will make it all the way to west coast! very doubtful!!
    We should aim at bringing in more people to this family as possible..
    Looks like a simultaneous rally on a weekend will be very effective!
    And this time for the rally we will carry one one slogan banners
    'SHORTEN THE WAIT FOR LEGAL IMMIGRANTS' or something similar!
    just a thought!

    2011 Heidi Klum and Seal took the heidi klum and seal and family. Johan Samuel Heidi Klum, Seal
  • Johan Samuel Heidi Klum, Seal

  • thomachan72
    10-01 03:15 PM
    The discussion is getting more and more interesting. somebody posted his/her experience with a particular airlines in the begining and lot of us joined in to crucify him/her for having said that. Then saxena came with his private jet and flight atendents and now saxena is getting rounded up. Interestingly UP/Bihar came up (knowingly / unknowingly) almost as a derogatory remark. Then somebody proved that its not UP/Bihar but south indians who are really hipocrites. In between all this somehow the airlines industry people escaped and are laughing. The final take seems to be something like this; We have chosen to be frustrated and if the earth doesn't give us reasons we will look for it in the sun. Either way we will reach our goals. Now let us make a tally of how many reds / greens each person got and find the winner.
    Whenever and if at all I ever get to meet the creator divine I will certainly ask him how drunk he/she really was when he created the human brain.
    Anyway sorry for interupting the "serious" discussion. Please continue...


    heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum , Seal and family
  • Heidi Klum , Seal and family

  • kshitijnt
    05-30 12:26 AM
    Air India has the newest Boeing 777 LR non stop from JFK to Mumbai and Delhi. You can get tickets as cheap as 1000 usd roundtrip in economy.

    Cheapest business class where you can SLEEP! 3500 USD roundtrip to India. Find a cheaper business class where you can actually sleep and let me know.

    Best food! undoubtedly. New entertainment system with lots of Indian movie options.

    I am not sure if old sayings apply to Air India.

    Also we have jet airways , whose international service is in same class as singapore airlines, emirates and virgin atlantic.

    So why are we wasting time with such moronic european airliners? who cant let us sleep one night in their country.

    This year, I flew Lufthansa as that was the most viable option for me. The flight from Germany to Mumbai was substandard but the service was ok, cant complain. People were friendly at the german airport.

    In 2004 or 05, I flew air france one way on reward ticket, the FAs were rude to Indian customers but overall flight experience was smooth , comfortable and without hassle. People at french airport were ok.

    The lufthansa ticket was 1640 rountrip. I also considered air france, first they quoted me 2200 USD and then said, if I could compromise and flew alternate dates, fare would be 1840. The ticket agent sounded as if he was doing me a favour. No wonder when I showed up at the airport, the air farnce flight was almost empty whereas there was a big rush on lufthansa.

    CHANDU - I see airline is responsible for this. It is their duty to prevail on authorities otherwise why are they asking for business from Indian customers? In 2004 Delta used to fly via france and my brother had missed connection, he was provided hotel by delta in france for one night. Good that delta got fed up with european visa rules and started new non stop service.

    heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum, Seal and their
  • Heidi Klum, Seal and their

  • pappu
    05-17 11:21 AM
    Thank you for participating in the national phone campaign we ran for the last 2 weeks.
    We got feedback on some calls that were made and it was encouraging.

    We are now starting a campaign to contact our lawmakers and media offices.

    Please click on - Advocacy -- Legislative Action Center (

    or the icons on the top of IV page to participate in the action alerts.

    This campaign is very simple.
    It will not even take 5 minutes of your time.

    Please spread the word around so that we can flood the offices with our emails. This will help in the event we are planning for next month. See IV announcement: Advocacy Days in Washington DC: 7th & 8th June - Page 3 - Immigration Voice (

    - Team IV


    heidi klum and seal and family. My love, Seal, is number
  • My love, Seal, is number

  • srkamath
    07-17 07:28 PM
    I was also told that there is new law which requires that the PERM fees should be paid by the employer (around 5-6k). Most desi consultancies used to ask the employees to pony up the labor fees. wonder how this will affect the conversion process.

    It is ILLEGAL for the foreign applicant to pay for the PERM fees or the I-140 fees or lawyer expenses pertaining to either steps. The Employer MUST bear all expenses for this process. If you have evidence of wrongdoing, pls report it to DOL.
    We should not be supportive of such violations of law - as a group it is not in our best interests.
    The foreign applicant may pay all I-485 related expenses - or a generous employer can cover those expenses too.

    2010 Heidi Klum and Seal#39;s new heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum, Seal, and family
  • Heidi Klum, Seal, and family

  • Eternal_Hope
    06-13 10:09 PM
    excuse my unfamiliarity with the process..
    but if I applied for I485 in July, and 485 applications they receive exceeds the visa numbers available for July, what happens? Do they draw lottery to see which 485 apps would be cosidered?

    in other words, just making sure the app reaches USCIS in july first wekk, does it guarantee EAD for spouses?

    I have the same question - Do dependent spouses get EAD even if dates retrogress after applying for I-485?


    heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum, Seal and their
  • Heidi Klum, Seal and their

  • garybanz
    09-20 02:50 PM
    Can we form a Human Chain protest across the major cities of the country at a predefined date and time. for instance, say Nov 9th between 11.AM and 1 PM.

    This way more local people, across the country, can participate and as the timing is around lunch hours, I presume many of us can get back to work within the two hour duration.

    May be this decentralized & concerted effort in all major cities/states across the country at a specified time may gather main stream media attention.

    This is just a thought...


    Human Chain is a great idea...imagine a chain acroos all the major streets of NY city, we will definately get a lot of media attention....but it will need a lot of people

    hair Johan Samuel Heidi Klum, Seal heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum To Become Heidi
  • Heidi Klum To Become Heidi

  • acs_78
    06-26 04:29 PM
    Is LUD mandetory after finger printing? I applied for EAD for my wife and me on 5/21. Sent supporting docs and had LUD on 5/23. Went for finger printing on 6/10 but no LUD so far. I am concerned if the finger printing center sent the data to USCIS or not. Our EAD expired 7/30 so I am concerned.



    heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal took the
  • Heidi Klum and Seal took the

  • pushkarw
    11-15 06:04 PM
    I have just sent an email to the public editor of the New York Times. Let me know if you wish to see the contents of the email. How do I become a member of my state chapter. I am based out of Kansas.

    hot Heidi Klum , Seal and family heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal are the
  • Heidi Klum and Seal are the

  • Totoro
    05-05 06:37 AM
    I receive the standard IRS letter regarding stimulus rebate.
    I took this letter and went to SSA office to apply for a SSN for my wife.
    Point number 3 in ss-5 clearly says .....

    "If you check "Legal Alien Not Allowed to Work," you must provide a document from a U.S. Federal, State, or local government agency that explains why you need a Social Security number and that you meet all of the requirements for the U.S. government benefit. NOTE: Not all U.S. State or local benefits are acceptable for non-work SSN purposes. Contact SSA to see if your reason qualifies.
    If you check "Other," you must provide a document from the U.S. government agency that explains why you need a Social Security number and that you meet all of the requirements for a Federal benefit except for the number."

    I believe that IRS letter should be treated as a sufficient reason for need of SSN. BUT THEY DIDN'T ENTERTAIN ANY OF THE FACTS AND DECLINED TO ACCEPT APPLICATION FOR SSN.

    They cannot refuse to accept your application. Fill in the forms and send them in. They can deny your application and then you can appeal. If they refuse to accept the application, you have two options. You can contact your congressman and complain. You can file a discrimination complaint with the SSA ombudsman. Here is the discrimination form.

    Finally, if you believe you have been denied your rights because you are an immigrant, you can contact your local ACLU and ask them to represent your case. As a last resort, you can file a lawsuit at the federal district court. The filing fee for this is $350. However, I hope we are all doing this to exercise our rights rather than for the money. At least that is my motivation.

    In my case, the first time I called, the person hung up on me. But I did not give up. I got them to accept the application and it is currently under reconsideration. I was also able to get a response from the Regional Office. So far they have not addressed any of the points I made in the original case as described in the OP. I expect they will continue to ignore their own laws and regulations, until I appeal this to an administrative judge, who will make a legal ruling.

    BTW: All this costs you nothing but your time.


    house Heidi Klum and Seal Take on heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum got a chance to
  • Heidi Klum got a chance to

  • JunRN
    09-12 08:43 PM
    It seems USCIS wants to make money through MTR. $585 to file MTR.

    tattoo Heidi Klum, Seal and their heidi klum and seal and family. Hot model Heidi Klum and her
  • Hot model Heidi Klum and her

  • gcputtu
    07-23 05:28 PM
    :eek: I am not sure whether it is my HR to be blamed or my corporate law firm TheChugh who has been handling my case, no one has bothered to convey my PERM status or even my case #. I feel frustrated when my HR doesn't respond about the status.
    I understand that they must by flooded with application preparation but setting up a link for me to check the status shouldn't be very difficult.
    I really hope that my PERM gets approved before 31st July so that I can file I-140 and I-485 concurrently.
    Anyone else has experience to share about TheChugh law firm?

    Even I have some bad experience with CHUGH Firm..They are really slow and never talk...I think they don't pick the call even if they are around...
    I'm not sure if my employer's told them not to respond to my mails..anyways itz very tough to get things out of them...
    and one thing I did'nt like in them is that they lie right on ur face !!


    pictures My love, Seal, is number heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal welcomed
  • Heidi Klum and Seal welcomed

  • sunny1000
    08-24 07:51 PM
    Hi All,

    I applied for my daughter's PIO card and sent all the documents as mentioned in the instructions sheet of the embassy website along with the self addressed stamped envelope. I heard from my other friends that even after you send everything in order, the embassy people would call and say that they did not receive the self addressed stamped envelop. It happened to three of my friends. I am the 4th one. They called today to tell that I did not send the envelope.

    The funny part that happened with my friends is that, they all sent $20 and the package came in the very envelope they sent in the first place, that the embassy said they didn't receive.

    Did anybody of you also had the same kind of experience or similar incident. If so, please do share.

    Why are they doing like that? Do they really think we would do like that, trying to save on an self addressed envelope? It really bothered me for the fact that the lady from the consulate was utterly rude when talking. I am amazed how in the world, The Indian Government is still hiring such people? Of more then a billion population, is that the best person the government of India could find for that customer service post? Its a shame and I am ashamed that such dic*heads working and representing India?

    Coming back to the issue...she said sternly, send $20.00 or send envelope stamped otherwise the application would not be processed.

    Folks, please let me know where I can complain about this careless attitude of this monster woman. What steps can I take to make sure they don't do that again? I live in TN and I can't fly/drive to Washington DC. The questions is not about the money, but the way they are operating without any ethics is deplorable.

    Hoping to hear all your valuable suggestions.

    Thank you.

    Please contact the below phone numbers and see if they take complaints for PIO cards as well (even though the complaint phone numbers are for passport services):

    Note: In case of any assistance/complaints in respect of passport services, the following officers may be contacted during office hours.
    Assistant Consular Officer
    Phone: (202) 939-9861

    Attach� (Consular)
    Phone: (202) 939-9832

    Also contact:

    Appellate Authority

    Mr. Arun K. Singh
    Deputy Chief of Mission
    Fax: 202-483 3970

    dresses Heidi Klum and Seal are the heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and husband Seal,
  • Heidi Klum and husband Seal,

  • gauravster
    02-25 09:42 AM
    Reading through this, this only says that the status cannot be changed (to a PR). It does not say that the prefiling of of AOS application cannot be done.

    I think we should definitely try to work towards this. There was also an article on Immigration daily (,0225-endelman.shtm) which suggests pre filing as a administrative fix that will solve a lot of problems. It argues that "there is nothing in the INA that compels a particular definition or understanding of what "immediate availability" means."

    I am definitely in for such a initiative.

    Incorrect! Please read again.

    Section 1255. Adjustment of status of nonimmigrant to that of
    person admitted for permanent residence

    (a) Status as person admitted for permanent residence on application and
    eligibility for immigrant visa

    The status of an alien who was inspected and admitted or paroled
    into the United States or the status of any other alien having an
    approved petition for classification under subparagraph (A)(iii),
    (A)(iv), (B)(ii), or (B)(iii) of section 1154(a)(1) of this title or \1\
    may be adjusted by the Attorney General, in his discretion and under
    such regulations as he may prescribe, to that of an alien lawfully
    admitted for permanent residence if (1) the alien makes an application
    for such adjustment, (2) the alien is eligible to receive an immigrant
    visa and is admissible to the United States for permanent residence, and
    (3) an immigrant visa is immediately available to him at the time his
    application is filed.

    This means that visa number must be available at the time of filing I-485.

    Well, Read again. I hope it answers your question.

    Here is the test from newsletter
    What regulatory or legislative changes (including a possible pre-application filing procedure for adjustment cases) are recommended to facilitate caseload planning and make optimum use of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services adjudication capacity?

    Have a good day!


    makeup Heidi Klum, Seal and their heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal Take on
  • Heidi Klum and Seal Take on

  • senthil1
    06-22 12:12 PM
    Just a simple question. Corporations are arguing that every year 100k new jobs are created in high tech. Even 75% of the new jobs are for H1b then only 75k H1bs are needed. Even if you include other jobs teacher,Healthcare you do not need more than 120K every year Why do you need unlimited H1bs? Any pro immigrant lobbying group is not giving justification in numbers though everyone accepts there should be increase in H1b numbers.There should be increase in GC numbers as backlog had increased(But in this case also no one gave correct numbers based on requirement) but nothing wrong in H1b quota and some regulations in H1b to minimise abuse.

    Another aspect is in the bill they gave 115k H1b for 2008. If they do not put restrictions your company cannot get any new H1b as most of H1b quota will be used by Indian consulting companies in one day. Do you think it is correct?
    If not correct what is your solution? Corporation solution for this problem is unlimited H1bs by giving exemption to STEM and US master degree holders from H1b quota.

    I am also opposing the restrictions in H1b program in the bill. But I do not have any alternative solution for the problems in the H1b program.

    Again, there is a common misconception that companies have unlimited access to talent in other countries, and the only limiting factor is the quota of H1B visas.
    Not true, by a long shot.
    To give a simple example, our company is looking for people in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Canada and UK since the pool of qualified people in India has dried up in our field. Can anyone guess where is the biggest talent pool? Nope, not in Bangalore, its right here in USA!! Not all companies are looking for the cheapest person. They are looking for the best person. And in many cases, the best person is already here, and has gathered more experience over the years working for US companies. But they cannot hire her, simply because she is on a visa and thereby beholden to another company. If she had a GC, that would free up the talent pool and thereby make many companies less reliant on H1Bs. Increasing GCs for EB candidates has the same effect as increasing H1 quota, with the added benefit of making the cream of the crop available and reducing the uncertainty and hassle of hiring an H1.
    This is why it is in the best interest of companies to support EB GCs.
    My friend Senthil makes the same mistakes (repeatedly, unfortunately):
    (A) Assuming that "good" companies will not be affected by any change of increase in fees for H1B, since they presumably have unlimited pockets and unlimited access to unlimited talent. (Big ha!ha!)
    (B) "Good" companies can always get to hire people in US if they exist, and the only reason they hire H1 is that they cannot find anyone in US as there is no one in US who is good enough for the job for love or money (Bigger ha!ha!)
    As to the question "then why are companies not doing enough for EB candidates", I do not know, and neither does anyone know, truthfully. Maybe they are, but as someone pointed out, no single player in the CIR game has enough clout to run the whole show. Or else the bill would have been passed long ago.

    girlfriend Hot model Heidi Klum and her heidi klum and seal and family. or Seal#39;s baby
  • or Seal#39;s baby

  • americandesi
    08-22 01:37 PM
    In fact, I also thought like you. I decided to do an MBA , so out of that 3 years 1.5 years were used up by my MBA.

    The placement statistics from the Rotman school of Management website is quite impressive.

    I've a few questions for you. How bright are the job prospects after doing an MBA from U of T in the current recession wolrd? Are part-time MBA students given equal opportunity in job placements? What's the % of placement among Canadian vs US employers?. Howmuch salary can a person with Engineering degree + US experience + Canadian MBA expect to get?

    hairstyles Heidi Klum and Seal took the heidi klum and seal and family. Heidi Klum and Seal Depart LAX
  • Heidi Klum and Seal Depart LAX

  • arihant
    07-07 11:56 AM
    I have majored in Information Systems from New York, however, I am have a BS and not MS. I been for 6 years on H-1 by now. Does it qualify for any of the SKIL bill's previledges?

    I think you will have some benefit out of this bill, albeit, indirectly. This Bill will exempt a lot of folks with advanced degrees from US and non-US universities. All advanced degree holders from US univs. (STEM and non-STEM) will be exempt. So, a person with an MBA flus a 4 year bachelors from a US univ. will be exempt. Also, folks with non-US STEM advanced degrees who have been working in the US in a related field for 3 or more years will be exempt as well. The family members of such folks are exempt as well. Consequently a lot of folks currently waiting in the pipeline may no longer be counted against the quota, thus reducing the clog in the pipeline. ANother benefit out of this bill is that it increases the quota from 140K to 290K. There fore, you will definitely see some positive movement in priority dates for people in your and other similar situations (this is the indirect benefit I was referring to). It is very hard to say at this point how much the positive movement would me. It will all depend on how many people will be exempt from the quota.

    09-20 02:28 PM
    If we are to acheive what we have set out to do, paid ads are the way to go. In a way we have to disseminate via propaganda the difference between us and the illegals and our worth to the country.
    Stuff like this takes time and more importantly money. While IV is a grass roots organization a certain degree of sophistication vis a vis public relations will go a long way in strenghtning our stance and garnering public support.
    Projecting ourselves to the media as educated, intellectual elite requires a lot of image building that would be difficult in a mass rally where huddled masses are easily seen as being the downtrodden.

    12-01 10:58 AM
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