Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-05 10:50 AM
    I am on call with USCIS now. Press 1-2-3-6 and immediately agent would face to you by giving agent ID. Currently I am listening the music. She has just gone somewhere to have answers:mad:

    O.K. Her reply:

    1) It does not matter what expenses you had to bourne, USCIS is not simply
    accepting applications till October 2007.

    2) My next Question was: What would be the probability of my PD become current at October 2007, Ans: we can not predict at this time:(

    3) Next Q: If my PD does not become current for one year from now then would USCIS consider releasing any help or policy to pay back the medical expense and expense for my travelling back from India?

    A: USCIS at this moment can not take any stand on that.:mad:

    - BharatPremi

    Dude you asked ALL the wrong questions. Did you not read the part where I specified that they are all CONFUSED out of their SKIN. Its like asking a second grade child if he agrees with the Theory of relativity.

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  • byeusa
    08-03 02:37 PM
    Good to hear some good and not so good reviews about the immigration lawyers in this thread. One of the firms about which folks have written contradictory statements is Fragomen. Thay have been very responsive and professional in some cases but the user polulation in general has complained about their non responsiveness. They have advised their clients ( i.e the companies) about how the slow down the process for green cards for their employees. It has been seen in a multitude of cases that they have advised the companies of not filing for EB-2 cases and use the route that creates the most delays in GC processing thus maximing the revenues for themselves and helping the companies use GC processing as a tool for employee retention. They made employers to belive that letting the cases processed in BEC is the best option instead of capturing the PD's from the old cases to PERM. Now, several thousand of those cases are still languishing at BEC and no one seems to have an answer about what will happen to those after 17th August.Isn't that so so unfair......

    Their practice can not be termed ethical and the employees need to highlight this issue with their senior management and HR. I was wondering if Immigration Voice can help those individuals by guiding them about appropriate steps to highlight the malpractice by Fragomen.

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  • apb
    12-10 01:52 PM
    IV is a voluntary organisation. You can request people to volunteer, but cannot force them or scold them for not volunteering. This is not professional. They might have their reasons and the right to work their way. I agree with your frustration when people who signed to turn up do not show up. But I feel this is not the way to express it.

    It is not acceptable
    For people to say they are coming and do not show up. I understand exceptions can happen, But least they could call-up and let the organizer know. I remember the same in recent Diwali Mela. Some who were supposed to come are still on the way.
    This event was not to display the strength by show of hands. These members were expected to be delegated with some action items and follow up items. Either you volunteer or you don't. But volunteering and not showing up indeed speaks volume of the lousy character. Maybe this unprofessional behavior is commented upon strongly, but is it worth anything to sugar coat this behavior. Why can't we call a spade a spade? Just because it hurts? If we start accepting this attitude it only reflects a weakness on our side.

    I see no reason why these peoples handle should not be made aware to other members at least at the state chapter level. Now they would know who they could count on. If I am a part of this team I should know who are in my team, who are accountable and who are not.

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  • PrayForEveryone
    07-24 11:32 AM
    Does anyone know the process of how USCIS updates 485 application, once 140 gets approved after 485 is filed (considering one files 485 with 140 pending receipt)?

    Do we have to do anything in order to update USCIS regarding 140/485 once 140 is approved?

    Any help is appreciated


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  • tikka
    07-05 11:31 AM


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  • nfinity
    09-21 06:44 PM
    Here is a message from Ajoba regarding the San Jose rally....


    I must say that this is a great great effort. Both, the flower campaign and the rally. Nothing like this has been done before by wanna-be immigrants. We are hardworking, law abiding, well educated people. But until now, the general opinion was that we are at the mercy of the American immigration system. I was especially so frustrated when some of my friends thought that there was nothing wrong in what the USCIS did. Their response was simply "what can we do? let's just re-apply when the dates become current again". Historically, Indians (at least, from my experience) have been hesitant to protest against the wrongdoings of their rulers. This is seen even today, when we fear to raise our voice when our bosses or managers at work exploit us, or our advisers/professors exploit us, or if the USCIS changes rules in the middle of the game. In India too, the general opinion is "Nothing is going to change, let's not get into trouble". This rally has shown that things are changing. We all should wake up, and fight for our rights! I could not attend the rally as I am based in Michigan, but I thank all of you who protested for me and my family. I will do my best to support this effort in whatever way I can.

    Hi Guyz,

    First off, kudos to all the friends who attended the rally. I really appreciate the efforts and thank all of them.

    I just thought of starting this thread for people who did not attend. Please explain in one or two sentences why you did not attend. Whether it was a personal reason, whether u were scared, didn't care, forgot, didn't know! etc.

    My reason:
    I really wanted a green card, but because India is growing so fast, I really don't think I want it so badly anymore. So, I did not have the motivation to go ...

    I am honestly curious. What changed in two months? You were desperate then, and you are not now?


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  • JunRN
    09-12 12:07 PM
    For me it's simple. My test case is HR5882. I have seen that Democrats fully supported the bill while Republicans are trying to stall it.

    I can predict that Democrat will help us. It was during the time of Clinton when immigration into the US was easy. Visa Bulletin was almost always current. AC21 was passed during the time of Clinton, a democrat.

    So, tell me. What Republican bill was passed that supports legal immigrants?

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  • walking_dude
    10-16 09:25 AM
    Yes. Completely agreed.

    I've an idea that I want to discuss at the Meet. It will not only help us show the World how much we contribute (real figures), but also get our group (state chapter) legitimacy in the eyes of Lawmakers. It also might get us some media attention. This and other ideas will be Exclusively premiered at the Meeting. So anybody interested, be there.

    Anybody with great ideas - FIFO for GCs, Earned GCs (based on years in US) included, be there at the meet. We'll surely forward these ideas to the Core. If there's a great demand for these ideas at the grassroots, Core'll surely include these as their top agenda. So be there and share your ideas. Ideas will be put to vote and passed on to the Team IV. It's a great opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and push for your ideas.

    You are being given a rare and valuable opportunity here. Use it! Don't crib later on IV forums that IV doesn't care. [ I'll be there, for sure, to ask you - Did you care about your state chapter meetings? If Not, why should we care for you?]

    PS : Bestin, same here. Lets build a strong network in Michigan and succeed together.

    We also need to make the public aware what we contribute to the society.Not only our jobs,but also how we contribute to ssn,work without unemployment benefits (when compared to citizens),how much taxes we pay,etcs tatus of h4 dependents without driving licence and with all these stress we also do our job with a smile isnt?WE DEFINITELY NEED TO OVERCOME THE PUBLIC OPINION THAT WE ARE JUST HERE TO TAKEAWAY JOBS.

    Rather than mentioning it as our right,we need to make people aware of how we contribute and why we deserve a green card.;)

    My 2 cents.

    BTB,nice taking to u over phone WD.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    06-26 12:37 PM
    I am an EB 3 with a PD of 2002 who has watched people substitute and get ahead, use creative lawyers and get GC's, i am stuck and will be stuck for a long time. My job is analytical so i have a habit of analyzing things. I am one of those who feel that the July fiasco created a mess for people who were already waiting, i also feel that the ad hoc FBI name check fix by USCIS screwed the large number of people who had cleared NC after the July bulletin (and missed that bus in the process). I am dealing with the hand that I was dealt.

    I don’t have any animosity against the guys who benefitted by the above changes and have participated in all the phone campaigns, and will do so in the future. After so many years i feel that getting the GC is less of an issue for me (i never had problems in my home country, the only reason for waiting is that we have waited so long in the queue, why leave the queue now...sounds lame, but it’s the gods honest truth.)

    I have seen many examples of each EB group to its own, realize this, we are all in this together and the only way of getting something done is doing something yourself. Do we have a choice..probably not..will desis be desis(or non desis for that matter)..yes most of them will is what it is.

    I know IV is doing its best and there are other groups fighting for HR 5882.

    But honestly, what are the chances for this bill to succeed this year (before election)?

    100% or 75% or 50% or 25% or 0%

    Ron Gotcher predicts that none of the individual bills may pass this year.

    And also that EB3 I may not move forward even next year!

    I am not sure how many EB3 (I) volunteers are there in IV (who are really focussed). Are they getting nothing? The prediction is that EB3 I may go back to Nov 2001 and stay there for a while (or may be for the rest of next year).

    Is the efforts of EB3 (I) volunteers being exploited (indirectly, ofcourse)? What are they fighting for?

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  • mirage
    06-26 10:36 AM
    5. (c)(9) or (c)(16) adjustment applicant who filed for adjustment under the fee structure implemented July 30, 2007

    What this mean is if you filed your 485 before July'30-2007 EAD will never be free for you...

    Gurus,Is the above said true..please it saves everyone who file renewals in 09 (esp. folks missed boat for 2 yr EAD)..


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  • amitjoey
    05-31 04:38 PM

    The Object of this motion is to enable the assembly, in order to attend to more urgent business, to lay aside the pending question in such a way that its consideration may be resumed at the will of the assembly as easily as if it were a new question, and in preference to new questions competing with it for consideration. It is to the interest of the assembly that this object should be attained instantly by a majority vote, and therefore this motion must either apply to, or take precedence of, every debatable motion whatever its rank.

    The motion to Lay on the Table is undebatable, and requires only a majority vote, notwithstanding the fact that if not taken from the table the question is suppressed.

    These are dangerous privileges which are given to no other motion whose adoption would result in final action on a main motion. There is a great temptation to make an improper use of them, and lay questions on the table for the purpose of instantly suppressing them by a majority vote, instead of using the previous question, the legitimate motion to bring the assembly to an immediate vote.

    The fundamental principles of parliamentary law require a two-thirds vote for every motion that suppresses a main question for the session without free debate. The motion to lay on the table being undebatable, and requiring only a majority vote, and having the highest rank of all subsidiary motions, is in direct conflict with these principles, if used to suppress a question. If habitually used in this way, it should, like the other motions to suppress without debate, require a two-thirds vote. [Note: The current (Tenth) edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, does not permit this usage of Lay on the Table to suppress a question.]

    As motions laid on the table are merely temporarily laid aside, the majority should remember that the minority may all stay to the moment of final adjournment and then be in the majority, and take up and pass the resolutions laid on the table. They may also take the question from the table at the next meeting in societies having regular meetings as frequently as quarterly. If not taken from the table at the next meeting, however, the motion dies.

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  • logiclife
    02-12 06:46 PM
    Ok guys, take it easy.


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  • kanaihya
    09-25 11:09 AM
    leave Fragomen he visit this forum he will get heart attack ..

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  • kaisersose
    07-15 05:16 PM
    How we are getting 50k is like this.

    1) EB1 Over Flow (50% of EB1 was unused last year) 46k/2= 23k
    2) EB2 Over Flow , this number is still fuzzy. But lets say around 10k.
    3) EB2 India has quota of 3500.

    So approx 40k.

    Correct...This is a new thing starting this year. And as long as this interpretation holds good, we will see similar excess numbers available to EB2 India/China - until they become current.

    Then these numbers will pass on to EB3 ROW

    Then after that category becomes current, numbers will start flowing into EB3 India/China.

    But all this is assuming, the number of GC applicants per year is less than 140/2.5 = 56K/Year + their interpretations do not change again.

    I for one, would not be surprised to be see EB2 India move to 2007 next year.


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  • mshelat
    05-28 01:56 PM
    I agree ---- I think the momentum is slowing down...

    at least can we not take any legal action for issuing out a rule (you can file MFS and get the stimuls and then amend MFJ) on 04/14/2008??? what about people who filed a long time ago as MFJ?? Because once you filed MFJ, the action is irrevocable!?! In my honest opinion, this stupidity of issuing out a clause the day before filing deadline deserves some "stir"!!

    Any news?

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  • Jitamitra
    11-15 11:12 AM
    Enrolled for $100 monthly contribution.


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  • anukcs
    09-13 03:49 PM
    whats with the quotes...comparing to Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr...Please dont kid yourself.

    They did it for their country and fellowmen to be free from the clutches of oppression (a much serious issue than green card i think). Although even that is extended selfishness (cos of being Indian or African American) but they dedicated their entire lives for that cause.

    We are not even close...this is just for MY GREEN CARD!

    am i wrong?

    Don't you think you are not free from the clutches. If getting some green card relieves so many people from clutches why not fight for it?

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  • rajesh_kamisetty
    09-21 10:50 PM
    First of all - THANK YOU. It's because of IV I am happy today with EAD cards on hand. I will never forget what IV did for me and thousands of GC applications in July. I can't forget the despair and the smiles IV brought back to our lives.

    Probable reason - less motivated for couple of reasons which are already spelled out on this forum by others.

    However I hoped to be part of rally towards the end. But couldn't. My parents came to USA last Friday. I did plan to combine my parents D.C tour with IV rally. But as such we happened to drop-in to D.C, unexpectedly, from Baltimore on Sunday itself. And on Tuesday 9/18 - all important day, we were busy packing to other attractions....

    To Franklin -

    Rally agenda - from the start, the D.C rally has not seemed need-based rally. San Jose rally and flower campaign were need-based. They were needed because USCIS ditched all July hopefuls. We were aghast and speech-less. So there was that burning-sensation in our tummies that took us to streets and greet the USCIS chief with bloody flowers!!

    D.C rally has been strategic one. Somewhere in the beginning of the game, we pushed wrong buttons in marketing/selling the strategy or signing up people for the D.C rally. I remember very very few messages on the rally forums and tons and 100s of messages on "July 2" forum.

    All senior fellows and the 1000+ members who made it to rally - have you surprised why there is NO 5000 - 10000 attendance.

    Some more pointers to my thoughts -

    > I can't associate all IV handles with real people easily.
    > I don't know who is what (like in organizations we have people associated with certain responsibilities).
    > Has anyone ever asked whether we should mention our association with IV in 485 application? And the repercussions?

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  • newtoearth
    06-10 02:23 PM
    Thanks for sharing the link

    05-01 07:12 PM
    Total: 9061 USD.

    Thanks lalithkx, sirinme, gc78

    07-17 10:00 PM
    I hope you understand that Bigtime's post was thickly laced with sarcasm.
    It was so intelligently written, that many "skilled workers" did not get it.

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