Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • mirage
    02-12 04:29 PM
    I think now everybody here should understand this very well that only one person who can do something about it is you, yourself. No one else, no industry, not AIALA, nobody else is fighting to help you. IV is the only organization that is fighting for your cause and the only way you can help yourself is support IV. Go IV go.

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  • lost_in_migration
    09-21 12:06 PM
    Please provide me the source of your quotes. These are simply amazing!!

    A nation that
    continues to produce
    soft-minded men
    purchases its own
    spiritual death
    on the installment plan
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

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  • lazycis
    02-12 05:07 PM
    It's not possible to achieve this without changing the INA.
    It's a legal requirement that an immigrant visa is immediately available to an applicant at the time AOS application is filed.

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  • Vsach
    03-14 09:41 AM
    EB3 (India) moved 2 months. Good news. But then?
    What you expect for Eb3 guys? What may be the trend in coming months?


    We can all go home....:rolleyes:


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  • ramvinay
    06-14 09:11 AM
    Hello All:

    It is great that the dates have become current and many of our friends here at IV can apply for 485. Congratualtions!!! to all that can apply.

    I am in a dilemma and don�t know what to do:

    My LC has been approved PR 02/10/05
    My I-140 is pending.

    I know I can file for 485 but my wife is on F1 � OPT and is working she has applied for a H1 and will get it because of Master�s quota but will not be effective till October, 2007. Can I file 485 now even though she is on F1?

    I have two choices, either wait till October 2007 or cancel the H1 go to Mexico and get a H4 stamp for my wife and apply for 485. Please advise what I should do. Thanks!!!

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  • GCScrewed
    08-22 11:36 AM
    Certainly Canada is much much better option. Wish people had talked about it 10 years ago. So for those who just came to America or those who are deciding where to go to work or to school, Canada should be the first choice. You will actually have more flexibility being a Canadian than American.


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  • NKR
    07-09 04:30 PM
    Alongwith permission for H4 to work, there are several other problems that legal immigrants face in USA. However, lets face it ... its always a small set of people who are fighting for their green cards. After a prolonged wait, once they get the GC, they move on with their life, forgetting their own ordeal in the past, and ignoring the future problems of fresh GC aspirants in the queue.

    Even the fresh GC aspirants who come to USA on H1/L1 visa, do not understand the importance of staying on top of their GC application and start organizing themselves. Mostly they realize the gravity of situation couple of year after their arrival, and start venting their anger and frustation on immigration forum like this.

    A majority of immigrants think that the immigration doors should shut down immediately after they get their GC's. This transformation takes place overnight. I have never heard that from such a large population of immigrants who are settled in USA, anyone ever raised their voice supporting the legal immigration.

    Lets face it ... its an unjust world ... we have lots of problems as far as legal immigration is concerned. But how many of us who are boiling with frustation here, will ever work and spend our time and energy on immigration related issues once we get the green card/citizenship?

    BTW, I am just throwing some light on the basic root cause of this problem... no war of words please ... just peace.

    Just think, it will be hard for a GC holder to continue the fight. After waiting for many frustrating years, he will just want to put the unpleasant thoughts behind and move on, and make up for all the lost years, they will have other things to do. That�s the reality, you got to fight for yourself along with people who are in the same situation as you.

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  • waitnwatch
    06-09 01:46 AM
    Yeah! sure............. in America you take things and nothing is given to you..........Have any of you guys heard of students protesting tuition increases. Have you really heard of young folks protesting about anything. Folks like Jack Nicholson can say a lot of things but I'm sure I wouldn't depend on him for intellectual sustenance.

    I would request that you find a statement from a better role model before starting such a superficial thread.


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  • BharatPremi
    12-10 02:25 PM
    I thought this will happen. People will oppose the post and find faults in Logiclife instead of themselves. There are several people coming up with their 2 cent ideas on this thread asking what IV must do and plan. But none of them want to do that themselves.

    I think this is the real reason for failure.


    First of all let me tell you that nobody is claiming "Failure" here or nowhere on any other thread. The message is loud and clear: "Self Correction" to avoid possible lag- And what you are indicating could also be one of the factor and we may need to recognize it and correct it.

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  • yabayaba
    05-21 04:25 PM
    GO IV... Here is my contribution of $100

    Receipt ID: 1988-5912-3522-0953


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  • mariusp
    06-13 08:46 PM
    I have I-140 with substitution pending since March of this year. Can I file for 485 now or do I need to wait for I-140 approval? Thanks.

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  • dish
    03-15 05:32 PM
    If you want some good reasons why H4's should have work permit read this

    All these years the United States of America denied work-permits to
    dependant visa holders with one simple explanation "You are in USA
    because Your Spouse is allowed to work here". But numerous surveys by
    different social organizations has thrown light on the darker sides of
    the life of dependant visa holders.

    The dependant visa holder has to forgo his/her career growth in-order
    to stay with the spouse. This causes a big gap in the career and
    finding a suitable job in the home country becomes difficult when the
    pricipal visa holder has to leave USA and return to the home country.

    If the dependant visa holder's field of study or work is, one in which
    getting a sponsorship from an employer is difficult, getting a
    work-visa is almost impossible. He/she even loses his/her hard earned
    skills in the respective fields due to the large gap in career. Even
    though volunteering is possible, most of the volunteer jobs might not
    utilize the persons skills.

    Studying in the USA is good option but, being a single income family,
    it will affect the financial satatus of the family if other members of
    the family (children) are studying.

    90 percent of dependant visa holders are women. Women being, more
    susceptible to domestic violence by the partner, becomes even more
    prone to violence due to her complete dependance on the Spouse. They
    become prisoners in USA due to the spousal abuse and immigration
    policies that give their husbands complete control over their lives.

    The immigrant Women get protection under VAWA but non-immigrants are
    not covered. Even if a law to let the non-immigrant battered women to
    obtain work permit is introduced, It might not protect women whose
    cases dismissed as non-critical. The abuser can furthur exert his
    control over the victim and convince her that he has changed so that
    the victim might not press charges against him. Thus the abuser gets
    encouraged to continue violence.

    Divorce is not an option because most non-immigrants come from third
    world countries where a divorced women has to bear the social stigma of
    divorce and will not be protected in her own home country.

    Because of the long queues for Labor certification applicationa and
    retrogression of visa numbers, getting an EAD and Green Card takes

    Most European countries issue work permits to the spouses. Also the
    time taken for permanent residency is lesser. In USA L2 and E2 visa
    holders can have work permit, but the other categories are ignored.

    Fear of flooding the labor market is not a valid reason to deny the
    dependant visa holders work permit. Allowing the L2 and E2 category to
    work didn't create any marked increase in the unemployment rate among
    US Citizens.

    calling all the dependant visa holders to send in their comments.......

    for more see this post....


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  • GCKaMaara
    03-05 07:26 AM
    I also got the same letter from USCIS today.

    Where is the core who advised us to fax letter to USCIS. Please let us know what the action plan is ?

    I am ready for $25.

    I think we need to contact Ombudsman with this letter. This is ridiculuous.

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  • eb3_2004
    03-04 11:03 PM
    This is a good chance..If we get 50 people with 100$ each...we can see where it goes....I pledge 100$ if we can get 50 people..


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  • go_guy123
    08-21 05:26 PM
    I guess it depends... I would prefer to slog with weather in Canada for 3 years and get citizenship instead of stuggling for 4-5 years with desi consultanting company to get GC. My sixth year is about to start in december 2009 and employer has told that they will not sponsor GC. I am planning to take citizen ship from Canada and then move back to India. That way, anytime I want to come back to US/Canada doors will be open. I guess, there is no right or wrong answer, its a matter of choice.

    In fact, I also thought like you. I decided to do an MBA , so out of that 3 years 1.5 years were used up by my MBA.

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  • rockstart
    07-18 02:43 PM
    I dont think filing EB2 is that easy. First condition is not that candidate likes to be Eb2 that drives the labor application (I wish that was the case then every one would have asked for EB1) it is the job requirement that should be able to qualify for EB2. (for people working in large corporations this will be the stumbling block) for people in consulting business this is not an issue but in this tight market with A2P and wages could spoil the party along with DOL activism for audit does not mean things will be piece of cake. For EB2 from candidates side he/she needs to have MS preferably in same field as work ( So MS Mechanical working as DBA might face RFE to explain) or the previous work experience might be scrtunized more to validate it satisfies the labor requirements.

    All Indians and Chinese will file only EB2 now onwards:D
    The problem is with past filings how to convert them to EB2.


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  • tikka
    06-13 08:23 PM
    Order Details - Jun 13, 2007 5:39 PM PDT
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    for your contribution:)

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  • CaliGC
    06-14 01:24 PM

    Ofcourse everyone is very excited that the priority dates are current but let's take a careful look for why it became current all of a sudden even when the demand for visa numbers is so high and was backlogged by 5 years up until couple of months ago.

    1. I sincerely feel this is just to keep the legal immigrants to stop protesting for benefits in the CIR. Well, the CIR is supposed to be dead right? Wrong, count 2 weeks from now and the Bill will be back with tons of benefits for Illegal aliens and none for legals.

    2. Currently Service centers are processing cases received in Aug-Sept. '06 with the few thousands of applications being submitted for the next few weeks the processing dates will be moved back by couple of years. All this time we were waiting for the priority dates and now will wait for the processing dates to be advanced. What a circus!!!

    3. Just when the case is ready for processing that would be atleast couple of years from now, the priority dates will be retrogressed may be by 10 years this time.

    To my knoweledge we should still continue to lobby the senators and get the Visa numbers increased, get the country quota eliminated, Only one visa should be counted per family... and get it into the CIR. Should the CIR pass without these ammendments legal immigrants will be stuck in limbo for every because there will be no more CIRs in the near future.


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  • flack194
    07-10 01:22 AM
    My advanced parole is good till October 2, 2009. I have been in and out US 2 times, spent 2 months abroad doing finals in college. Am going to intern abroad, until October 28th.

    Q1: What is the best date to reenter the US and renew advanced parole? Do I need to be in the US to renew AP?
    Q2: How long do I need to stay in US after sending in my renewal? Do I need to wait the 3 months to get the new parole?

    Thank you

    07-25 08:44 AM
    My wife never been to US and I am married for 2 years now. I have been filing my return as Single.

    Last week I talked to IRS and they said I can apply for her ITIN without her being present in US. The condition of visiting US applied to other dependents and not for the spouse. She has to sign my tax return though that I have to mail it to her and she will mail it back to me with her signature.

    Not sure how true is that and I don't know if I should give it a try or not.
    Yes, that is correct. In fact spouse, child or anyone else, who you are claiming as dependent needs an ITIN, it does not matter where they live, or if they ever visited US, or have any visa to visit US.

    05-03 09:43 AM
    Below is part of a message I posted in another discussion, but this deserves it own discussion. If you are a legal resident of the US, such as an H4, even if you are a child, and you have an ITIN, you can get a Social Security Number, because that is the only way to get the Economic Stimulus Payment.

    Be forewarned that the SSA will put up road blocks. You will likely be denied your first application. However, the law is clear and there is no cost to apply. You also have a right to appeal. A cover letter explaining why you have a RIGHT to a Social Security Number will help support your case. You letter should refer to the laws and statutes cited below.

    The only way to get the stimulus payment is to obtain a Social Security Number for "non-work" purposes. The SSA may issue an SSN to an alien under the following provision:

    20 C.F.R. � 422.104(a)(3)

    (i) You need a social security number to satisfy a Federal statute or regulation that requires you to have a social security number in order to receive a Federally-funded benefit to which you have otherwise established entitlement and you reside either in or outside the U.S.;

    The Social Security Administration is required by federal law to issue Social Security Numbers to legal aliens who require them to receive federally funded benefits under Section 205(c)(2)(B)(i)(II) of the Social Security Act, which states that the Social Security Administration is required to assign an SSN to "any individual who is an applicant for or recipient of a benefit funded in whole or in part with Federal funds."

    Here are some documents from official Senate and House websites (,, which refer to the stimulus payment as a benefit. Print these out and attach them to your application.


    Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

    "Residents of the U.S. territories will also receive the benefit."

    Johnny Isakson, United States Senator from Georgia

    The benefit would phase out for single people earning more than $75,000 a year and married couples earning more than $150,000.

    Johnson (GA04) | Press Release | Rep. Johnson Votes to Stimulate Economy

    Americans who earned at least $3,000 in 2007 will receive the benefit, including Social Security recipients and 250,000 disabled veterans. Higher income taxpayers are not eligible and the relief phases out above incomes of $75,000 for a single earner and $150,000 for married couples.

    Senator Robert Menendez | Newsroom

    "Today's event is a chance to spread the word so that everyone is aware of the steps they need to take to receive this benefit."

    News | Senator Pete V. Domenici

    This benefit would help an estimated 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans.


    The 2008 tax instructions will include a worksheet to help those who did not qualify for a payment or those who received a reduced amount determine if they can obtain a benefit when they file their 2008 tax returns next year.

    Senate Finance Committee

    020808 Econ Stim Staff Summary.pdf (application/pdf Object)

    The amount of the credit is phased out at a rate of 5% of adjusted gross income beginning at $75,000 ($150,000 in the case of joint returns). Residents of the U.S. possessions will also receive the benefit�

    The law also clearly states that qualified recipients of this benefit must have social security numbers to receive these funds. No other identification number is considered permissible. SEC. 6428 (h) (2) "Identification Number Requirement" states, "For purposes of paragraph (1), the term `valid identification number' means a social security number issued to an individual by the Social Security Administration. Such term shall not include a TIN issued by the Internal Revenue Service."

    According to SSA document 20 CFR Part 422 [Reg. No. 22] RIN 0960-AF05 Evidence Requirements for Assignment of Social Security Numbers (SSNs); Assignment of SSNs for Nonwork Purposes, a "valid non-work purpose" results when the "law requires an alien who is legally in the U.S. to have an SSN in order to receive general public assistance benefits (i.e., a public benefit that is means-tested) to which the alien has established Entitlement."

    The means-testing provision of H.R. 5140, the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 is stated in SEC. 6428 (d) Limitation Based on Adjusted Gross Income.

    The federal government has also defined H.R. 5140 as a form of financial relief to persons who fall within certain income categories. According to a Whitehouse publication explaining the means-testing provision of H.R. 5140, "This relief would be available to everyone with adjusted gross income less than $75,000 for singles and $150,000 for married couples filing jointly. It will be phased out for taxpayers above those income thresholds. Taxpayers may qualify by filing a tax return for 2007 and including a valid Social Security number on their tax return." [Fact Sheet: Bipartisan Growth Package Will Help Protect Our Nation's Economic Health, Office of the Press Secretary, February 13, 2008,].

    Lawmakers included the identification requirements to HR.5140 under the belief that all legal residents of the United States will hold Social Security numbers. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Commissioner of Social Security to "take affirmative measures to assure that social security account numbers will, to the maximum extent practicable, be assigned to all members of appropriate groups or categories of individuals by assigning such numbers" [Section 205(c)(2)(B)(i)] and that all qualified individuals receive "financial relief" under H.R. 5140 according to the stated will and intention of the United States Congress and Senate (as described in the links above).

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